Functional entertainment

An interesting category trend just beginning to emerge is the idea of ‘functional entertainment’

Google so far decodes it only literally and will point you to online articles about how to functionally make best use of your living room and make space for your humongous entertainment console. That is hardly a trend and nothing new to write about.  So don’t bother opening another window now to Google search and stay with me here. 

What makes this idea interesting is that it connects with two emotions most of us today experience. 
A. The idea of busyness / not having enough time and 
B. The idea that there is so much out there to see and know. 

Whether it is a 6 year old or a 60 year old, we are all doing so much and yet we all have so much left to do. Then there is ubiquitous technology, which makes this all possible. That is one piece of the puzzle. 

For the other piece, imagine all the organizations that want a slice of that busy and constantly distracted consumer’s headspace - from the FMCG giant to the local start-up with the latest innovative product and everyone in between. Communication as we know it doesn’t get enough eyeballs since whether it is good old TV or YouTube, where there is an ad, we all ‘skip it’. 

Why the category of ‘functional entertainment’ makes sense and will expand is because it promises to bridge this communication gap

Think about content that is useful and yet entertaining. Sponsored videos on Facebook that show how gadgets can clean your home or iron your clothes. Whatsapp forwards that tell you about the miracle plant in your backyard that can cure your indigestion along with 10 other ailments. Celebrity nutritionists and spiritual gurus with bite sized messaging that promise to transform your life. The promo about the website that will give you the latest yoga or parenting gyaan.  Hacks on home improvement or someone trying to teach you creative writing in one hour. Whenever you have felt that you have learnt / found out something new effortlessly and in an interesting way and it hasn’t felt like a complete waste of time and you have felt a little smarter as a result of viewing it – chances are that you have encountered functional entertainment.

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