The approach : individual subconscious interviews using specialist methods for exploring product sensorial and emotional payoffs
The challenges:
The window of interaction with the product – less than two minutes.
The target were the front loading users
who had little or no involvement with the process.
Washing – a low involvement mechanical
task that people would not register / would
even be
able to talk about consciously.
Illume research revealed:
brand imprints for detergents went back
to their own childhood when they saw their mother’s
hand wash their clothes. That also
imprinted in their mind the proof of the product working and nostalgic
connection with the brand. A new entrant would have to work on
creating this connection with the next-gen consumer
The range
of pay-offs that brands have focused on so
largely been in one of these areas – liberation from
the laundry task as necessary evil,
mastery through
the efficiency
routine and family care
through task integration
The positioning space – ‘Revitalize your external self’
An excerpt from the illume

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