We need a witness to our lives

There are a billion people on the planet…what does any one life really mean? There are the good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things... all of it, all of the time, every day. We all fear after us our lives will go unnoticed.  (From the movie - Shall We Dance 2004)

We chanced upon this idea while talking to people about their cameras and the role that it plays in their life. People personified a camera as a constant companion. There are people mentioned they didn't want to sell an old camera – since it had been with them for many years and had witnessed many memorable events. 

The thought that 'we need a witness..' is more a universal need than a trend. Without a witness our lives would be meaningless. Perhaps this need is why the institution of marriage has survived through the years across cultures. 

A witness - is what fuels our survival instinct, prompts us to go on despite all odds. Remember Mr. Wison in cast away or Richard Parker in Life of Pi. The former - an inanimate object...the latter a ferocious bengali tiger - ironically both characters were witnesses that helped the marooned protagonist stay alive. 

Not just for people marooned in deep sea or on an island...witnesses as companions hold meaning for people in modern day city life that can be very alienating at times. The phrase bheed mein akela (translated : alone in a crowd) encapsulates this feeling.   

‘On Life’s journey there is something for everyone - that always travels along with them’ – the constant companion – whether they are with people or not. For me it is my music (iPod). Would love to know what is it for you?

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