Life lessons from an auto rickshaw driver

I downloaded the OLA cabs app some months ago and was intrigued by the fact that one can now use the app to call an auto-rickshaw too. For the sheer fun of it I tried it once and since my experience was good, I tried it again after a few weeks. The second time too, I encountered a very courteous man who announced his arrival by saying 'your OLA cab is here madam'. I was amused he referred to his vehicle as a cab instead of an auto. I was not surprised he spoke good English - one finds many such auto-drivers in Bangalore. What get definitely got my attention was - how well groomed and polite he was - just like my first auto driver from OLA. 

I got talking...

Me: How long have you tried this service? 

Him: It’s been a few weeks.

Me: Did you pay anything for this GPRS tracking equipment?

Him: No I got it for free

Me: Oh good, what else do you get for signing up with them.

Him: They pay me 10 Rs for every customer I fetch. I get 10 Rs from them and 10 Rs from the customer over and above the meter fare. But many a times it’s a loss for me. I could be far away from the pick up point or could be caught in traffic for 15-20 minutes after confirming to pick up. Meanwhile, the customer might just hail another auto-rickshaw and leave.

Me: (feeling bad for him and wondering why he would take so much trouble for an extra 20 Rs especially when charging over and above the meter fare is a norm in Bangalore and auto drivers make a quick buck depending on how desperate the customer is almost always!)

Me: Then why do you continue with this service? Do you have a commitment for a minimum number of weeks / months – after you sign up?

Him: No ma’am. I can withdraw anytime. I’ll keep at it till I can. There are two ways to earn money. One – I can also park my auto by the roadside corner and fleece the next customer who approaches me…talk rudely to them…refuse to go unless it is lucrative for me. I will make money but I wont grow in my life. Even after 10 years I will be driving auto in Bangalore. The other way is – I can learn the way gentlemen behave. Ola people called us to their office. Spoke to us like ‘gentlemen’. Explained to us that when we meet a customer we must greet them and talk to them politely. Now days there are so many private taxi operators in Bangalore. If we don’t talk to customer properly they will call a taxi and we will lose business. I also felt good. If I learn something new, talk politely, tomorrow I will grow in life and if I get a chance to drive a taxi I will know how to behave with customers.

Me: remembering the quote from Shawshank Redemption:
(In life) I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying.

A case of how brands can become meaningful to people and can win loyal customers.  

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