I am finding a tiring sameness in
qualitative market research - techniques haven't really changed over the last
20 years. Additionally, clients and research companies seem more interested in
hearing what consumers have to say, rather than what is really behind what
consumers are saying and why they are saying it. Real insights don't come
from what consumers are saying. They come from how consumers are
In this kind of research and marketing
environment I find Reshma's
approach to research a fresh breath of crisp morning air. She unfolds the
hidden layers in consumers minds by digging deep into the sub-conscious.
An in- depth interview is not like a journalist asking consumers a batch
of questions. It is about uncovering the hidden emotions and motivations that
lie in the deep recesses of the subconscious. I have used Reshma in
projects where I need the real answers. Not the superficial answers that
lie bubbling on the surface of the consumers mind.
I highly commend Reshma's work
in this area and think that any company who wants real answers to real
questions would benefit from her unique way of doing research. She is able to
uncover the hidden codes and meanings in how consumers are thinking about
Prabhakar Mundkur
CEO – Percept H